
In a world called Holona, the intelligent life in this world are humanoid animals. This world only has one continent, and it is divided by countries that is named after the ruler of their races. The world is also focused between magic and swords, and with the respective branches of these, like engineer for magic, and knight for swords.

The country of Bacon which was ruled by a kind king in the past, is where we can find the protagonist of this story. Chris P. Bacon, the grandson of the king and is the next in line to the throne after his father, the current king, Crusty D. Bacon. 

Chris P. Bacon was known as the most handsome pigson (pig-person) in their whole country, but he is also known to be cold and many citizens are scared of him as they view him like a cruel person. Chris P. Bacon was born during morning with the atmosphere calming, and the sun gently lighting up the room during his birth. He grew up spoiled by his mother and father with so much love, he was raised as a respectful kid, he loved being with his family everyday and is truly happy. But unfortunately, the happiness he once had was taken away from him, his mother passed away with the royal doctors not knowing how to cure her illness. During her deathbed, the 3 of them(the queen, the king, and Chris) felt each others presence one last time, and as they are hugging each other, the queen took her last breathe in the arms of his husband and son...  

After the tragic lost of the queen, the king didn't change, but instead sticked to fulfill his promise to his late wife that he will work harder to be a good king for the country, and to be a good father for their only son. As for Chris, he was heavily affected with the lost of his mother, and he changed to be the cold prince that everyone knows. But as time goes by, he accepted that his mother is really gone, he then made promise to himself that he will be a good knight for his father before acquiring the throne.

Chris then practiced the way of the knights, and swung the sword with each moves repeating them a thousands times while also adding new methods of using the sword. One day, a lady from the Duchy of Baden, which is named after the first duke of the duchy, duke Baden; this duchy is known to be the most loyal to the king, came to the castle of the king to pay them a visit, these are visits that happen every year, the purpose is for the children of each family to know each other and build relationship for the future. 

The name of the lady is lady Yuri S. Baden. After she have arrived in front of the castle, she immediately goes to the throne room to greet the king, the king happily welcomed Yuri and told her to look around the castle, he also added that Yuri should try to visit Chris and hang out with him. Yuri then looked around the castle and came across a garden that is so mesmerizing, and on the end of it is a tall wall, when Yuri got closed to it, she heard a loud whoosh sound of the wind, but despite the obvious power being used to make those sound, she find it calming to listen to. A guard patroling noticed her and asked if she wants to see the knights practice. Yuri then agreed, once she got through the gate for the practicing ground, she was greeted with the sights of knights practicing, some are resting and sitting down in the side, while others are sparring or practicing their skills. But one thought was only in Yuri's head, on what was the loud whooshing she heard earlier, she asked the guard earlier about it and the guard pointed to the direction of a guy who is isolated among the rest, he was alone practicing his swings and no knights are near him. Yuri then got closer but only on where a seat was present. She just observed the said guy, until he has stopped swinging, by this time it was already dusk and Yuri only realized the sun was setting. Yuri was surprised and panicked but before she run to go back to her carriage, she and the guy met eyes. 

After that, Yuri ran to the front of the castle where the carriage is waiting but before leaving, she thanked the king and finally goes home. Chris then goes to the front where he saw the back of the carriage leaving, the king was also in the front of the castle, he asked Chris if he greeted the lady, Chris than asked if it was the girl running earlier, the king laughed about the situation and said yes to the question, Chris than said he didn't, because he was swinging all day, the king look disappointed but said it was fine, there's always next time, or if Chris wants he should visit her himself, said the king, Chris got embarrassed and said to the king to not tease him. The king then said to Chris to tidy up and that it was time for their dinner, and finally goes back inside, while Chris was recalling the moment the lady and him had. He surely fell in love at first sight.

