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In a world called Holona, the intelligent life in this world are humanoid animals. This world only has one continent, and it is divided by countries that is named after the ruler of their races. The world is also focused between magic and swords, and with the respective branches of these, like engineer for magic, and knight for swords. The country of Bacon which was ruled by a kind king in the past, is where we can find the protagonist of this story. Chris P. Bacon, the grandson of the king and is the next in line to the throne after his father, the current king, Crusty D. Bacon.  Chris P. Bacon was known as the most handsome pigson (pig-person) in their whole country, but he is also known to be cold and many citizens are scared of him as they view him like a cruel person. Chris P. Bacon was born during morning with the atmosphere calming, and the sun gently lighting up the room during his birth. He grew up spoiled by his mother and father with so much love, he was raised as a respectf

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