
Hi 🤓. So... have it ever crossed your mind, that maybe you can control your dreams? Some says it's possible, but me personally, I can't. Or have you asked yourself if your dreams are in colors, or in black and white? Now, did I make you ponder? Good, those questions are some fun things about dreams, But when you thought about those questions, you are "daydreaming" that is closely related to pondering. 

So what really is the meaning of "Daydreaming"? As a certain study states, it's a stream of consciousness that detaches from current, external tasks when attention drifts to a more personal and internal direction. This phenomenon is common in people's daily life shown by a large-scale study in which participants spend 47% of their waking time on average on daydreaming.

Now that we both have the same idea of what daydreaming is, let me share a story...

Zab, the guy this story revolve on. Zab is your typical student who just go with the flow, and just a guy who is trying to enjoy life to the fullest.

How was Zab doing academically? Well... he is smart, he was awarded with those cute medals that states your behavior in kindergarten. He was a consistent with honors in elementary. He was an honor student in Year 9 to 10. But for him, he's not so sure of himself. In Year 11, he struggled greatly and it messed him up mentally - He can't answer quizzes and tests like he used to do - so at some point while he was sitting in his small chair with arm rest, listening to the lecturer, the teacher then suddenly stopped speaking. Zab looked up from his notebook, the teacher then said to the whole class that the discussion was their last lesson for the subject, so they are free to do whatever they want with the remaining time. The whole class rejoiced and they did their own thing. One student sticks out from the rest with the way he was staring blankly at the white wall beside the huge board and just sitting there motionless, it's like his consciousness left him, of course it's non other than Zab. 

Zab's POV
"Wow, I didn't notice that the wall would be clean like that, maybe they clean it regularly after the classes? I wonder who won during the e-sport competition, did Philippines qualify? I wonder what ulam is waiting for me when I go home, maybe its sinigang that dad prepared early in the morning?"

Suddenly, a thought appeared inside Zab's head, "am I studying hard enough? I think not, I don't see any improvements in my grades." Zab continued to fill his head with thoughts about his grades until he arrived at his house.

Zab's first thought was to play games, but today was different, he can't possibly enjoy playing if his head is filled with thoughts about school, so he ate before going to his room, he flopped into his bed and just laid there staring blankly at the ceiling. He pondered again about school and is clearly bothered by it, he grabbed his phone unconsciously and came across a video, the speaker talked about motivational things in life, but what Zab remembered is a statement saying that "Remember, life is not always easy, at one point you are at the top of a mountain, but that won't last for long, you will eventually be back to the foot of it, and everyone go through this also. My advice based from my own experience and realization, don't focus on something you can't control, focus on what you can, like a task right in front of you, if you have many task, do it one at a time, but DON'T forget to relax once in a while because we are only human."

With this in mind, Zab used those words of motivation and applied it to his mentality. Zab then focused on his self and value his self more, and the result is, he became healthy not only physically but also mentally. Zab graduated senior high with high grades with his mindset that I have to learn for myself not just for the numbers or grades. And his journey in college started with problems, but he is handling those more maturely, and did I mention that some girl caught his attention?

 And their story is...


